Welcome to the South Australia AOS Website
For our members and visitors, welcome to the SA branch home page of the AOS.
The Australasian Osseointegration Society consists of a national and international community of dental professionals who share a common focus on implant dentistry.
The South Australian branch is based in Adelaide, and has active annual programme of lectures, seminars, and hands-on workshops.
Meetings are open for members and non-members to attend. For more information please see the membership and upcoming meetings pages.
AOS SA Membership
AOS SA Membership fees consist of a 12 month subscription based on the financial year.
(1st July to 30th June)
2021 – 2022 PRO RATA membership
is now open
based on the raminder of the financial year.
(1st January to 30th June)
Please choose PRO RATA from the membership type dropdown menu below to pay the reduced PRO RATA rate
Pro Rata membership allows you to:
RSVP for AOS SA events,
No extra charges will be required for attendance except where specifically indicated.
Discounted rates for affiliated society events
Member rates for Federal biennial conference
Subscription to AJPID
Access to member resources and CPD hours summary in the AOS website
Corporate memberships are also available, please contact
Not sure if you are a current 2021-2022 full member?
please contact infoaos.sa@gmail.com

Upcoming SA Events